Climate Change Action – Support Earth Hour 2015

March 28, 2015 | Current Events, Environment

earth hour“Climate change is not just the issue of the hour, it’s the issue of our generation. The lights may go out for one hour, but the actions of millions throughout the year will inspire the solutions required to change climate change.”  ~Sudhanshu Sarronwala, chair of Earth Hour global~

Millions of Earth Hour supporters around the world will switch off lights on Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm during the participants’ local time.  The annual event started in Sydney in 2007 and has spread globally reaching more than 7,000 cities in 172 countries.

The message is clear.  Millions of people turn off their lights, just for an hour, to show their stand for climate change action and concern for the planet Earth.

United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon says, ““Earth Hour shows what is possible when we unite in support of a cause: no individual action is too small, no collective vision is too big. This is the time to use your power.”

Earth HourThe symbolic lights switching-off spreads the news about the great cause – concern for the environment. Lights will be turned off in homes, business establishments around the world including the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris and the UN building in New York.

According to Ban, “Climate change is a people problem. People cause climate change and people suffer from climate change. People can also solve climate change.”

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