Winter Storms in Japan, U.S. and Europe

February 15, 2014 | Current Events, Weather

Atlanta. (Photo: AP)

If you live in a chilly climate, you know what a winter storm is.

You’re lucky if the weather bureau gives timely warning whenever a winter storm approaches. But that’s not always the case.

Most of the time, this harsh weather condition will come in unannounced and we’re forced to deal with it, even prays to survive the cold. This is the time where schools and offices are closed, events and gatherings are canceled, flights are delayed, and roads are blocked by the thick snow.

Here are some highlights on recent winter storms:

  • In Japan, the country is currently experiencing the effects of its biggest winter storm in almost a decade. In fact, a “severe snow storm” warning has been issued by the government in Tokyo, the capital city. Residents have been advised to stay indoors while most business establishments have closed. News agencies across Tokyo reveal that the last time that kind of warning was released was thirteen years ago, thereby raising fear that it is a very serious weather condition.  Hundreds of flights were cancelled and many roads closed.
  • The current winter storm in the U.S. meanwhile has wrecked havoc in east coast. While the southern United States has been relatively mild for a few years now, conditions have certainly turned to worst this month.  About 750,000 homes and establishments have insufficient power supply and more than six thousand flights have been delayed or cancelled. The harsh weather has primarily affected residents in twenty two states and has led to 18 deaths thus far.
  • Britain and France experienced heavy winter storms last month, characterized by high winds, tides, and huge waves.  Some seaside towns and low lying areas and towns have been flooded for weeks now. The U.K Environment Agency in fact had issued eight severe flood warnings. Those were all related to the likely risk and threat to life and property.

Tokyo (Photo : Reuters )


Safety and Preparedness

How do you stay safe during a winter storm?  Here are some valuable tips:

  • Be prepared. It’s the best way to respond to an incoming winter storm. First, make sure you have several days of food on hand. Your food shouldn’t need cooking or refrigeration. Have enough supply of infant formula and baby food if you have children.
  • Be vigilant, especially with heat in your home. If you have a fireplace or any other source of heating, you must only use them if there are no problems like leaks or if they have proper ventilation.
  • Expect a power outage. This mindset will keep you prepared. Use flashlights or lanterns. If you’re forced to work with candles, never leave them unattended.
  • Conserve heat as much as possible. You only open your windows and doors if it is really necessary.
  • Water is crucial. You should have several days of supply.
  • A first-aid kit must be present at all times, as well as prescription medications.

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