Handy Tips to Stay Safe Online

June 3, 2012 | Technology

During the past years, worms and viruses caused the security threats to computers. These threats were designed and created to flourish as fast as they can.

In fact, they can spread excessively causing too many damages on personal computers and files. Since they were designed to flourish at a very fast and extensive rate, they have become very famous over the years of spreading computer infections.

The internet has extremely become a very important part of a person’s daily existence. Through the internet, people will have the opportunity to enjoy different types of friendly and reliable services like social networking, emailing, online gaming, online banking, and many others. As a matter of fact, millions and millions of people from all over the world each day make use of any of these things offered by the internet to simplify their needs.

However, as days pass by, myriads of threats like computer worms, viruses, and infections tend to devastate the world of computers. Some of the most famous threats include Crimeware, Hacking, Phishing, Spam, and the like. Because of these threats, the computer industry and the internet take time to campaign to people to be vigilant at all times and this is especially true to those who are not aware of the types of computer and internet threats.

Here are some few things you need to remember and do for all times when using your computer and the internet to avoid becoming a poor victim:


• Never accept people on your account whom you really don’t know

• Never give your personal information to these people given that you have accidentally accepted them.


• Abstain from opening email messages particularly those with attachments except those that came from people you know

• Never ever respond to email messages asking for your personal information; however, you can do this if you have assured that you are a hundred percent safe and secured

• Make it a point to come up with at least 2  email accounts; one for personal correspondence and the other to general purposes

• Do not respond to spam messages

Online Games

• Do not accept game requests from people whom you do not know

Online Banking

• Never ever give personal details and information to people whom you do not know or trust.

• Keep all details and information secured and it should only be given to trusted bank entities.

Most of all, safeguard your computer with the latest security software that constantly runs in the background most of the time. Make sure to update it regularly to ensure reliability.

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