Explore Sweden

August 8, 2011 | Travel

Bollnas Sweden (Photo: tripadvisor.com)

Have fun in your next summer trips and unwind with the family in the beautiful beaches and other  stunning places of Sweden.

Sweden is one of the Nordic countries found in the  Scandinavian Peninsula in the  Northern part of Europe. Next to it is Norway located  in the west, Finland in the east and linked to Denmark through the Oresund Bridge.

Sweden’s capital city is Stockholm with a population of 2 million people. Sweden is the third largest country of European Union with 9.4 million population settled in its 450, 295 km² of land area.

Since early 60’s, Sweden is rich in historical and well-known landmarks, culture as well as traditions. One of the common traditions exercised in Sweden are the rights of public access, social movements, private ownerships, village councils and social solidarity.

One of the known marks of Sweden is the Sudersand Beaches—the most visited Sweden beach in the Baltic Sea area nestled in Gotland southeastern part of Sweden. You can visit the islands through ferries or boats. Here, you can experience the best accommodations and delectable cuisine. From the south going to the south central is another home of beautiful beaches.

Varamon, Böda, Skane known as the “Swedish Riviera” allows visitors to see the entire beauty of the Swedish country. Along the beaches you can feel the silky touch of the fine sands, cool, splashing water. Water sports are frequently held in this place. Here you can enjoy camping and public facilities. You’ll also find your first strike of the golf ball a source of thrill and excitement.

Skane and West Sweden are the two counties with the most common Swedish food such as fresh seafood, fresh meat, vegetables and other unprocessed food since they are also practice healthy lifestyles and fair food trades to some other countries.

As a tea-drinking country, the very popular summer drink of Sweden during summer is ice tea, which is also a perfect drink for its temperate climate as well as also during hot climate. This beverage is available in all groceries and restaurants in the country.

Another good thing about Sweden is that they give importance to the societal problem between men and women. They have interest groups actively participating in the issue about the partial treatment of both genders. They often claim that two-thirds of the roles in the house played by women and only one-third for men and which is true all over the world. However, most of the countries around the world do not make this a big issue.  In Sweden, feminist parties wanted to exercise more ever since the unfinished political issue of societal balance—the equality of rights between man and woman.

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