Archive for March 24th, 2011


The Earth Hour

The Earth Hour

Support Earth Hour 2011 to create a better future for our planet! Switch off your lights for an hour  on  Saturday, 26th March, 8:30 pm. What is Earth Hour? It is a global sustainability movement with 50 million supporters across 35 countries and territories.  It started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia with around 2.2 million people and […]

March 24, 2011 1 Comment /


Pacific Seismic Belt

Pacific Seismic Belt

Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, and the Philippines are just a few among countries along the Pacific that have notably frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. These natural occurrences gave rise to what is known today as the Pacific Ring of Fire, so called because of its distinct horseshoe shape of nearly continuous series of volcanic belts and […]

March 24, 2011 No Comments /